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Refugee engineers database

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Link added by

shasha toptani


There is currently a shortage of suitably qualified engineers to meet UK employers’ needs in certain fields. There are many experienced engineers in refugee communities living in the UK who are currently unemployed or in jobs that do not make use of their previous experience.

RAISE has therefore set up the Refugee Engineers Database (RED) to facilitate links between engineers with international experience and employers in the UK engineering industry. It will gather in one place comprehensive data on qualified and experienced engineers with refugee status.

RED is available on the internet at www.refugee-engineers.org.uk Registration is free and open to refugees with engineering experience throughout the UK.

… for Engineers

• Targeted information on job vacancies, conferences, training and support available to refugee engineers
• A bridge between refugee support agencies and employment

… for Employers

• Access to skilled and experienced engineers within refugee communities to meet job requirements

… for Refugee Agencies

• a single accurate data source on refugee engineers’ current skills, experience & qualifications in order to identify needs and plan services
• a simple communications tool to market your services effectively

RED is operated by RAISE and used by other refugee agencies which all have access to the database. Our partners are: British Refugee Council, Education Action International-RETAS, RAGU, Refugee Women’s Association, Employability Forum, LASA, Manor Gardens Advocacy Project, ITN, Islington Enterprise Agency, Olmec, Refugees into Jobs and Camden RAISE Partnership.

Along with a number of these organisations we form the PRESTO Partnership, which is part-funded by the European Social Fund under the EQUAL community initiative. PRESTO aims to coordinate efforts of its member organisations to provide innovative and effective employment training and support for refugee professionals with particular focus on engineering, health, education and IT sectors.

Development funding for RED was also provided by the Alan and Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund and the Lloyds TSB Foundation for England & Wales currently funds operations.

Each registered engineer has an account which allows them to keep their information up-to-date, to download useful information and to sign-up to online mutual support forums.

As well as the detailed searchable database of engineers’ experience and qualifications, RED includes group email and online information facilities allowing organisations to promote their support services in a more targeted manner than previously, for example by sending an email with information on a work placement opportunity to all electrical engineers in London.

If your organisation provides employment support to Refugee Engineers and you would like to use and contribute to RED, please contact Shasha Toptani or James Smith (details below).

For further information on RED please contact:

Shasha Toptani
RED Manager
020 8983 9696 or 0845 868 2472

18 Victoria Park Square
Bethnal Green
London E2 9PF

RED website: www.refugee-engineers.org.uk

For other enquiries about RAISE please contact:

James Smith
Development Coordinator


RAISE website: www.raise-employment.org.uk