A short explanation of each main area of the Equal-Works site is given below.
Select this menu option to see a full list of all Development Partnerships (DPs) in the two Equal funding rounds: 76 DPs ran from 2001 to end 2005, and a further 98 DPs started work in June 2005 and will end in 2007.
You will then be able to select an individual DP by clicking on its name to view a summary of its activities and outputs. The description, logo, partner details and contact details of the DP are shown first; this is followed by a list of activities and associated products. Activities are listed alphabetically with associated products indented underneath. Activities and products are given an icon at the left-hand side, according to the medium in which they were produced. Put your mouse over the icon to see the medium in full as a tool tip.
Select this menu option to see all DP outputs relating to a specific area of policy or practice, e.g. Diversity Resources. You will be able to select from a menu of 27 available policy/practice objects. Each policy/practice object (PPO) page gives a short explanation of the PPO plus a list of related DP outputs.
Many DPs have observed that good practice in one area of work has resonance with all those seeking to enable any excluded groups to become more visible. The PPO facility draws work together. The list and taxonomy of the PPOs will change as DPs in Round 2 shape the content and structure of this analysis.
Select this menu option to view articles offering analysis and comment on many aspects of the Equal Programme and its outcomes. If you wish to submit an article for publication, please and send us an e-mail with your ideas.
Select this menu option to view a series of articles that draw together work from a number of DPs in each policy and practice area. There are also articles looking at how DPs have had impact at local, regional, National and European level. Groups of products from the whole of the UK Equal Programme are analysed and attention is drawn to key developments.
You can perform a standard search by entering a key word into the box in the top menu and clicking on the Search button. Advanced search is also available which allows you to set criteria for your search, e.g. a particular location or Equal funding theme. You can then search by the criteria alone or further refine your search by also adding a key word.
You can also select one of the Equal funding themes in the left-hand navigation, e.g. Facilitating access, to see all DP activity within that theme.
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