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Hotel day imageAims

Covering the Thames Valley area, the i-work DP aimed to promote life long learning and inclusive work practices which provide positive support to non-traditional marginalised learners and low-skilled groups. i-work developed tools and methods to help disadvantaged groups into sustainable employment and tackle the barriers to learning, employment, motivation and self esteem.


The DP operated on four key objectives:
  • Raising awareness of the benefits of social responsibility among employers

  • Developing a social recruitment company

  • Encouraging the development of Job rotation for the upskilling of low skilled workers

  • Developing career focusing/soft skill learning material.

Although unemployment in the Thames Valley region was generally low at the time of the DP forming, there were wards in all the major towns with significantly higher levels of unemployment. Some of these areas are in the 5% most deprived wards in the EU. The DP was formed as a response to some transnational research about how to tackle unemployment in these circumstances. The DP was formed to look at those who were most difficult to place into employment.



Transnational partnerships


Anne Pearce, Reading Borough Council,


Action 2: 16 September 2005
Action 3: 14 November 2005

Equal theme

Lifelong learning and inclusive working practices


16-17-year-olds in danger of exclusion from school, Jobseekers with low basic skills, People from disadvantaged areas (top 10% most deprived wards)
Total beneficiaries: The DP had an original aim of 390 beneficiaries, but achieved over 1400.


The project impacted in the following areas:
  • Looking at new ways to engage non traditional learners into learning , eg. Work relevant training, embedded soft and basic skills
  • Breaking barriers to employers working with Corporate Social Responsibility enabling the recruitment and retention of non traditional groups
  • Interagency working and seamless provision

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