An overarching aim of this partnership is to enable the target group of beneficiaries to participate as full and valued citizens. This DP has several experienced key partners involved in working with young people, people with learning disabilities and people from socially excluded groups.
The specific aim of the development partnership is to identify, research and trial new methods to overcome the difficulties faced by the following groups of people:
1. People with learning disabilities
2. Young people at risk of being unemployed
3. People from socially excluded groups
Equal Shares for All has been undertaking the following activities:
Promoting Citizenship to young people
The Council for Education in World Citizenship (CEWC) are working with children at risk of becoming socially excluded. They have been educating groups of young people to become more aware of their global and intercultural surroundings through drama and key skills workshop sessions.
Engaging people with learning disabilities in policy development
All Wales People First have been working to develop effective guidance for people with learning disabilities on how to engage with the political process, and have set up a sub group of people with learning disabilities to assist with the direction of the project. They have created an official Manifesto, which was taken to politicians and political candidates in the run up to the elections for the National Assembly for Wales in May 2007. A group of people of with learning disabilities were given training to attend and participate in regional “hustings” to promote the Manifesto.
Mentoring young people
Student Volunteering Cardiff is pioneering new forms of ‘peer mentoring’ in schools across Cardiff. Trained student volunteers are placed in schools and work with children at risk of social exclusion on a regular one to one basis.
Prevention of bullying of children with disabilities
Bridgend People First is trialling new methods and approaches to combating bullying of young people with learning disabilities. Work takes place in local schools and also through a Saturday group for young people with learning disabilities, and includes assertiveness and self advocacy training, drama workshops, working with local theatre groups to deliver these sessions and performances.
Employment of people with disabilities
Through the project “Opening Doors to Employment”, the DP has been piloting new ways of working with employers, offering training and workshop sessions on: employment legislation, overcoming access barriers and integration strategies.
Through the project “Firmentation”, new and innovative ways of employing people with disabilities are being trialled, through the establishment and support of several Social Firms across Wales.
Through the “Equal Vision” project, people with learning disabilities are given the opportunity to work on a film project and to learn more about the process, equipment etc through active participation in the project.
British Waterways has undertaken a series of access audits of canal ways across Wales, and will display the results of these audits on their newly developed “Waterscape” website. British Waterways are also working to identify employment opportunities for people with disabilities on canal ways across Wales.
Through the project “Opportunities for excluded groups” the DP is actively engaging people from excluded groups, developing personalised learning and development plans for individuals, and working to identify appropriate learning, training and employment opportunities.Through the project “On Track for Work”, run through the supported employment agency Quest, the DP is working to provide transition routes to employment for school pupils aged 14 years and over.
Target groups
people with disabilities, particularly people with learning disabilities
young people at risk of being unemployed
socially excluded groups
people at risk of becoming homeless.