The Tick-Tock! Partnership works with employers in the South East to recruit and retain older workers, improve older people’s control over their working lives and increase social capital through volunteering. In the 1990s, older workers were excluded from the workplace through redundancy and early retirement packages. With falling birthrates and increasing life expectancy, the Government is now encouraging older people to continue working. Statistics for this area show that there are above average levels of unemployment for those over the age of 50, many of whom wish to work but have low levels of ICT skills, lack formal qualifications or are subject to age discrimination. Increased employment of this age group can help address the serious labour shortages in the South East that cannot be filled by the unemployed alone.
Target Group
People over the age of 50
This Development Partnership was not involved in Round One.
Tick-Tock! is a regional project operating across the South East of England in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Kent, Milton Keynes and Oxfordshire.
The Tick-Tock! DP has been developing and testing new delivery models, products and innovative ways of working to engage older people into lifelong learning and work. The intended impact is to increase the number of older people in learning, at work, and engaged in voluntary and community sector activities.