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ACE - Alliance of Communities and Enterprise

Partnership information



This DP has raised the profile of social enterprise in the County, with decision makers in both the public and in the voluntary sector, by raising the concept of social enterprise as a route to sustainability and deliverability and gaining recognition for the right environment and support structures needed to allow social enterprises to flourish.

  • Develop a more positive policy environment for the social enterprise sector in Gloucestershire.

  • Test new methods of furthering enterprise development through the social economy.
Main Outcomes

Some of the outcomes are that the DP has enabled dialogue with public sector procurement professionals about contracting with Social Enterprises more while supporting the voluntary and community sector to become more enterprising. We have conducted both research projects showing what needs to be done at a local level to encourage social enterprises to flourish and feasibility studies looking at potential social enterprises and their viability.



Transnational partnerships


Jo White, Co-operative Futures,


Action 2: 30 September 2005
Action 3: 14 November 2005

Equal theme

Social economy


  • Creation of CEG (Community Enterprise Gloucestershire), which provides support to existing sectoral based networks and social enterprise organisations.

  • Gloucestershire Gateway – community owed motorway service station.

  • Re-cycling cluster run as social enterprises.

  • Lydney local power club feasibility study – outcome is to inform future green power sources in Lydney.

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Main outputs

Activities and products