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NewLIFE - New London Initative For Ex-offenders

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training availableAim

The aim of the NewLIFE (New London Initiative for Ex-Offenders) DP is to support employers in handling the changes brought about by The Police Act 1997 and the formation of the Criminal Records Bureau.


New Life offers a number of training and development programmes for human resource professionals, owner/managers, and their colleagues throughout England and Wales. NewLIFE helps employers to:
  • Make informed decisions when recruiting staff who may have criminal records.

  • To meet legal obligations regarding the handling of information on criminal convictions.

  • To work effectively with the Criminal Records Bureau.

  • New LIFE also provides business start up support for clients interested in starting their own business.

  • New LIFE operates across the London region.

The main objectives of the DP are to:
  • Improve access to employment for ex-offenders.

  • Breaking down barriers and providing meaningful jobs and training.

  • Improve employer understanding of conviction issues and facilitate non-discriminatory recruitment.

  • Influence local, national and European policy on the employment of ex-offenders.
Main Outcomes

The NewLIFE DP has had the following impacts:
  • Reduced discrimination for people who have a criminal record, in accessing and sustaining meaningful work.

  • People helped to disclose effectively and discuss confidently the issues of a previous criminal behaviour with employers in a constructive way.

  • Employers encouraged to reduce the discrimination at application stage for a working population who have a previous criminal conviction. Employers aided in understanding the limitations under the Police Act, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.

  • Employment Advisors trained to understand the relevance of criminal convictions and the importance of breaking down the barriers that clients have in disclosing.



Transnational partnerships


Steve Thacker, London Action Trust,


Action 2: 14 November 2005
Action 3: 14 November 2005

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Facilitating access

Final report

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