The ASAPH DP will use a “Team Wales approach” to support the development of a cohesive partnership between SMEs, relevant training and service providers to respond to the identified needs of individuals and employers. The force of this approach will be evidenced by the support given to individuals to overcome barriers they face due to dependant/child care responsibilities, age, low level of skills, access to ICT, geographical ward deprivation, etc.
The ASAPH DP will use a “Team Wales approach” to support the development of a cohesive partnership between SMEs, relevant training and service providers to respond to the identified needs of individuals and employers. The force of this approach will be evidenced by the support given to individuals to overcome barriers they face due to dependant/child care responsibilities, age, low level of skills, access to ICT, geographical ward deprivation, etc.
The ASAPH DP will use a “Team Wales approach” to support the development of a cohesive partnership between SMEs, relevant training and service providers to respond to the identified needs of individuals and employers. The force of this approach will be evidenced by the support given to individuals to overcome barriers they face due to dependant/child care responsibilities, age, low level of skills, access to ICT, geographical ward deprivation, etc.
The impact of the Partnership will extend beyond the partner organisations into national and transnational policy arenas and will impact positively on a range of policies identified as being crucial to the development of Wales.
Transnationally, the DP will interact with like-minded DPs across Europe to help develop a collective awareness of such issues and facilitate such understanding into mainstream national and European policy.