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GWLAD - Gaining Work, Learning and Advice in Rural Areas

Partnership information


Older women worker


The project addresses barriers to participation in education and training in rural areas of Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire. Wales has been recognised as an area that is particularly affected by the problems of ‘real unemployment’. While official unemployment is unquestionably falling in North West Wales, there are many people who are unemployed in a hidden way because they are prematurely retired, diverted onto sickness related benefits, on government schemes without a contract and are not eligible or chose not to claim unemployment benefit.

The Wales Implementation Plan also recognises that “in parts of Wales, the constraints of population sparsity and poor communications also affect access to training”. The Education and Training Plan for Wales states that there is a need for “better access to information and provision and to promote new opportunities, responsive to local need and widen choice and level of participation.” Distance, isolation and poor access to jobs and services compound problems for people living in rural areas, yet these problems are often hidden or obscured in the wider community.

The Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) has recognised the need to develop Wales as a country that is committed to lifelong skills development and learning. In developing Wales as a ‘Learning Country’ the WAG has put learning and skills at the top of the priorities for Wales. There is also a drive to ensure all educational institutions are able to demonstrate clear and sustained policies for widening access, reflecting the Assembly’s guiding principles to encourage a thriving adult education sector with accreditation for informal learning and voluntary sector activity to support lifelong Learning, ensuring that all communities in Wales value learning as a means of enabling everyone to play an active role in society. These concerns all point to the rationale for setting up the DP.


The objectives of the Partnership will be to contribute to the ESF objectives of reducing unemployment and improving and developing skills through utilising a collaborative approach to explore access to training/education opportunities in rural areas experiencing multiple levels of deprivation. The DP will work with its partners in rural areas of Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire.


The objectives of the partnership will be to:

  1. Undertake research into the specific barriers faced by target groups in accessing training/education opportunities in rural areas of North Wales.
  2. In partnership with target groups and agencies develop innovative and empowering approaches to the delivery of training/lifelong learning opportunities including distance and blended learning.
  3. Recognise the bilingual nature of the area and incorporate a Welsh medium dimension to all the project's activities, ensuring that Welsh medium resources reflect the cultural identity of the area.
  4. Work with employers and trades unions to develop innovative ways of delivering training/education.
  5. Work with voluntary organisations to develop innovative ways of working with target groups to use volunteering as a way of moving into employment.
  6. Develop models of guidance that are effective in rural areas.
  7. Develop innovative ways of encouraging communitlinespace">Develop an evidence based assesshibring specific expertise including experience of direct community involvement that will provide the capacity to analyse and understand the experience of local interventions.





Round 1 to Round 2

No round 1 history

Core partners


Brec'hed Piette, University of Wales, Bangor - Department of Lifelong Learning, , Patricia Reid, University of Wales, Bangor - Department of Lifelong Learning,


Action 2: 30 June 2007
Action 3: 31 December 2007

Equal theme

Lifelong learning and inclusive working practices


Unemployment in the region is falling, but a core of long term unemploymen remains in isoltaed rural communities.It is this group in particular, who by the very nature of their isolation can find it difficult to access education, training and support services.


BME groups, Drug and alcohol misusers, Labour market returnees, People from disadvantaged areas (top 10% most deprived wards), Unemployed
Total beneficiaries: 465

Intended impact/ sustainability

Vertically aiming at influencing national policy (and respond to policy gaps) by producing evidence of innovation and good practice to transfer key messages in a usable form to policy makers such as Wales Assembly Government, Dysg, Lifelong Learning Partnerships, Job Centre Plus and other learning and service delivery providers. By engendering a culture of life long learning and linking Welsh Assembly guiding principles of encouraging a thriving adult education sector with accreditation for informal learning and voluntary sector activity to support lifelong Learning, ensuring that all communities in Wales value learning as a means of enabling everyone to play an active role in society

Scatter plot

Process X
Practice X
Product X
Policy X
City Local Regional National European


Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire for targeted beneficiaries


Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire for targeted beneficiaries


Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire for targeted beneficiaries


Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire for targeted beneficiaries

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Activities and products

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