Three key pieces of research are being undertaken in Cardiff's CWLWM project:
1. This includes identifying the range of subsidies available in Wales supporting childcare services whether this be a 'Cymorth sustainability grant', tax credit subsidy or other form of funding. To compare the funding of childcare services with our transnational partners and identify any good practice models which may form an outline of options for the Welsh Assembly Government to strategically support the sustainability of Childcare Services in the future. Areas of the research also include parental leave, maternity and paternity entitlements in each transnational partner country.
2. Developing and testing new ways of consulting parents to assess their childcare needs other than by questionnaire, through a series of focus groups facilitated by an experienced market research company. The research seeks to identify the most effective way of assessing the diverse childcare needs of parents within specific geographic areas of the county. In particular targeting areas of multiple deprivations, parents with children with disabilities or complex needs, parents for whom English is a second language including Welsh, young parents aged 16yrs to 25yrs and black and minority ethnic (BME) communities.
3. Working with employers to assess their employees childcare needs. Piloting a survey with Cardiff County Council employees to assess their childcare needs and supporting Cardiff County Council to develop a new Childcare Sponsored Scheme for its employees taking account of the new tax exemptions. The experience of this activity forms the basis of a set of support materials to enable other employers in the County to under-take the same exercise with their employees. A series of employer seminars seeks interest in employers being supported to establish a County wide employers childcare consortium and raise the awareness of the new tax exemptions for employer sponsored childcare schemes.