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Dissemination & Mainstreaming, JIVE - Joining Policy and Joining Practice

Activity information


The project is undertaking a wide range of activities to spell out the learning and impact of activities carried out during the lifetime of JIVE. It is intended that the new developments and understandings will be taken up by policy makers and those who can influence the career paths of girls and women in SECT. This activity will involve: • Detailing the practical solutions partners have developed to overcome gender segregation within SECT industries, education and academia by providing opportunities to SECT women returners through positive action initiatives linked to employment opportunities. • Focusing mainstreaming activities on research, conferences, round table discussions, supported through publications and reports showcasing the policy potential of integrated activities to overcome occupational segregation and thereby reduce the gender pay gap for women in Great Britain. • Inviting a Member of Parliament, with a relevant SECT economic/skills remit, to be in residence with the partnership during Action 3. • Ensuring sustainability of the good practice awards and charter beyond the life of the partnership. This will include the funding of future industry placements for returners and measures developed previously to support women returners. • Reinforce all partner activities with a media campaign to highlight key lessons learned. • Using the reporting channels of the lead partner, the UK Resource Centre for Women in SET, to maximise the mainstreaming of the project outcomes. The UKRC will feed back learning from JIVE into government commissions and committees.


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