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Bi-lingual childcare choices: Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, CWLWM - Childcare Wales Learning & Working Mutually

Activity information


Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin’s CWLWM project aims to provide MYM staff in Cylchoedd (playgroups) and Cylchoedd Ti a Fi (parent toddler groups) with a team of Welsh language support officers to work, over a two year period, in the areas of Wales where the Welsh language is deemed to be at its weakest.

This will improve the Welsh language skills of MYM’s childcare staff and reinforce an essential key skill necessary for work with young children under the auspices of Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin. It will take place in the workplace where staff and young children are gaining communication skills at an early age and what they learn in one language is instantly available through their other language.

Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin’s CWLWM work will result in:

  • Securing 14 Welsh language support officers in 14 counties across Wales.
  • Approximately 100 people will benefit from training.
  • Successful training will lead to a boost in the confidence of MYM’s staff to speak more Welsh, firstly with the children in their care, and subsequently with the childrens’parents.


BME groups, Labour market returnees, Lone parents and people with care responsibilities, People from disadvantaged areas (top 10% most deprived wards), Unemployed

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