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Learn2Innovate, K4i - Knowledge for Innovation

Activity information


The Knowledge for Innovation project has teamed up with project teams in Italy (Life Long Learning Club (L3C)) and Portugal (ReStart project). This enables common goals to be discussed and refined, and the wide variety of experience to be pooled. 


Across Europe, the textiles industry is facing threats from globalisation and other more local pressures. In order to ensure that the industry thrives, the EU is funding projects which will promote education and innovation.


Learn2Innovate represents three of these projects - the Lifelong Learning Club (L3C) in Italy, the Restart project in Portugal, and the Knowledge for Innovation (K4I) project in England.

The projects have been working together to develop innovative models and methods to help smaller textile companies in each of these countries to adapt in the changing economic environment.

The three partner projects are focussing on developing a project strategy to tackle the issues of structural crisis in clothing and textile SMEs. The common themes driving the collaboration are:

  • exchange of innovative models currently used by SMEs in each country
  • identification of key SME training requirements
  • development of business networks to promote training and equal opportunities
  • analysis of links between training and production
  • analysis of the effectiveness of existing training

Transnational partnerships


Employed in SMEs

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