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STEPS, COOL - Creating Opportunities for Ongoing Learning

Activity information


COOL is a partner in a transnational partnership called Steps Towards Equalty Partnership and Success. The aim is to maximise the opportunities offered by transnational co-operation to help address social exclusion and encourage non traditional learners to engage in lifelong learning.


  • explore and compare different models for partnership working and learn from this.
  • promote equal opportunities for all.
  • share best practice and innovation in the promotion of lifelong learning and inclusive work practices.
  • challenge gender inequalities that are inherent across all national projects.
  • identify solutions to common challenges of engaging non-traditional learners.
  • consider innovative approaches which widen access and overcome barriers.
  • share expertise and experience.
  • exploit individual partner skills and methodologies.
  • build trust and openness for greater benefit.


BME groups, Ex-offenders, Homeless people, People with disabilities, Refugees

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