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Delivering Good Work Life Balance and Business Success, Adjust the Balance

Activity information


The overall aims of the programme are:

  • to position Work Life Balance firmly as a Business Development tool, linking it strategically with key organisational objectives
  • to ensure that employers are able to create the culture and environment in which a fully inclusive approach to Work Life Balance is able to thrive
  • to explore the use of Management Capabilities as a generic link between Work Life Balance and key Business Improvement frameworks and standards, thus enabling Work Life Balance to become embedded as part of mainstream business development.

A majority of employers who see the promotion of good Work Life Balance and business success as a contradiction in terms. Many employers do not have full understanding of what Work Life Balance actually entails – viewing it only as a government concession to working parents. This programme positions Work Life Balance firmly in the centre of sound management techniques. Employers often place huge expectations on their managers without equipping them with the knowledge, skills and understanding that allows them to perform to the best of their ability. This programme will help employers to understand not only why they need to engage in Work Life Balance, but also provide them with information and support on how to make successful changes that will benefit their organisation and the people working within it

Adjust the Balance has been working with WMQC Business Development Team and  linking into the Foundation Degree in Work Life Balance, to develop and pilot workshops and toolkits focusing on key management capabilities. The workshops demonstrate the links underpinning the implementation of sound Work Life Balance and good management practices in organisations. Use has also been made of mainstream frameworks such as the Investors in People Standard and products to attract managers from SME’s and large employers and provide accredited CPD.


Employed in large firms, Employed in SMEs, Labour market returnees, Lone parents and people with care responsibilities, Women

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