Adjust the Balance has been working within one Transnational Partnership - Equalibrium, with partners in Spain, Solvakia and Italy.
Adjust the Balance UK has been working with transnational partners in Spain, Solvakia and Italy. The overall aim of the transnational partnership was to work together with the aim of exploring and developing, new and innovative interventions that support employers and employees to develop measures that positively support the successful implementation of new work life balance (WLB) practices and the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices.
The transnational project has been working on the following products
Activities have included:
A study visit to Barcelona which included a tour of local councils business incubators and good practice SMEs to learn about their Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Particularly fascinating was the ‘New Social Uses of Time’ project, an innovative approach to management of people’s time in the city.
The partnership has explored specific issues around current WLB and CSR practices and policies in each country, examine diversity and discrimination at work and look at direct measures that can support companies and SME's to develop better practices.