ACE National - Action for Carers and Employment
ACE worked with FEMPOWER as a transnational partner. The common objectives of the DPs were:
- Combating unemployment amongst:
- Women and men with children.
- Carers: carers look after family, partners or friends in need of help because they are ill, frail or disabled. The care they provide is unpaid.
- Raising awareness of the need to reconcile work and family life to enable beneficiaries to take up sustainable training and employment opportunities
- Test support mechanisms to promote participation of target groups in the labour market
- The development of a pre-vocational training system to provide a route into sustainable employment
- Raising awareness with policy makers and service providers of target groups in order to promote their inclusion in mainstream support services
- Raising the profile of women and carers as potential employees and promoting their career progression
Outputs and products of the partnership include:
- Pre-vocational training systems for target groups.
- Training on reconciliation of work and family life for beneficiaries, employers and service providers.
- Toolkits for employers to develop flexible working.
- Methods for empowering target groups, including mentoring schemes.
- Joint analysis of experience in innovative approaches.
- Joint reports on good practice for dissemination.
Transnational partnership 1