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CAD - Capacity and Diversity, Capacitate

Activity information


The objective of the transnational partnership is to address discrimination in the employment of people with health conditions.

The three partners have the following common interests:

  • To facilitate the colaboration of support organisations when working with clients with health conditions
  • To change the attitudes and perceptions of employers towards employing people with health conditions.

All partners are seeking to address these issues:

  • Lack of employer knowledge regarding the employment of people with health conditions
  • Lack of knowledge of the support network and mechanisms for supporting this target group
  • Lack of knowledge of how to cope with barriers faced by people with health conditions
  • The need for improved skills and training for people with health conditions.

 The partnership activity includes:

  • Undertaking surveys of employers, in order to establish attitudes and practices
  • Mapping the support network in each partner area
  • Transfer of expertise in addressing issues faced by employers when employing a person with a health condition
  • Exchange of information from focus group interviews.

Information from all of the research, workshops, surveys and conferences undertaken by the transnational partnership has been used to produce a Guide to Best Practice in Employing People with Health Conditions.

Transnational partnerships


Employed in large firms, Employed in SMEs, Labour market returnees, Long-term claimants on incapacity benefits, Unemployed

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