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ACE National - Action for Carers and Employment
Partnership information
Action for Carers and Employment (ACE) National DP has been primarily concerned with improving the ability of carers to return to work. The project was designed to cover seven regions: Wales, North East, North West, London, South East, Yorkshire and the Humber.
Six out of ten carers give up work to care and can be out of work for long periods. They can face significant barriers to returning.
The objectives of the projects were to:
Raise awareness of the problem.
Improve access to the labour market of current and recent carers.
Encourage employer provision for carers.
To produce a pre-vocational training programme.
To work with existing agencies to make them more aware of carers’ needs.
To work with employers to make carer-friendly workplaces.
Main outcomes
ACE National DP worked with existing delivery agencies to improve awareness of the specific needs of carers. ACE National DP worked with existing delivery agencies to improve awareness of the specific needs of carers.It sponsored the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004 through Parliament. The Bill requires Local authorities to meet set requirements on supporting carers who are returning to work. ACE has been involved in training local authorities on the implementation of the bill.
Lead partner
Carers UK
Core partners
Advocating for Work and Care
Business in the Community (London)
Carers Wales
CBI Human Resources Directorate
City and Guilds Affinity
Contact a Family
Crossroads - Caring for carers
Department for Work and Pensions
Department of Health
Equal Opportunities Commission
European Institute of Social Services (Canterbury)
Hartlepool Careers
Hillcroft College
Kids Clubs Network
Kirkless Metropolitan Council - Social Services (Peter's Street)
Parents At Work
Princess Royal Trust for Carers
Sunderland Carers Centre
Surrey County Council Social Services
Transnational partnerships
Information for Transnational partnerships
Imelda Redmond, Carers UK,
Action 2: 31 July 2007
Action 3: 31 March 2008
Equal theme
Facilitating access
Lone parents and people with care responsibilities
Creation of the Employers for Carers network, which is an interest group of major employers, to promote the business benefits of aiding carers in the workplace.
Establishment of an APPG on carers, for which Carers UK provides the secretariat.
All of the local delivery partners have received new funding from elsewhere and will continue after the end of the DP.
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Main outputs
Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004 Resource Pack
The Pack has been produced as a practical resource to support the implementation of the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004. The Act promotes access...
Activities and products
ACE Radio
ACE Radio is a monthly audio resource for ACE Partners, Carers, Employers and those working with Carers across the UK and Europe. The programmes provide...
Products (1)
Carers Wales
The Carers Wales partners planned to provide carer support in two localities as part of the ACE project: in Anglesey in North Wales, and in Carmarthenshire...
Contact a Family
Contact a Family Lewisham provides advice and support to families with a child with a disability or special need who lives in the Borough of Lewisham....
Crossroads Caring for Carers
Crossroads Caring for Carers is the leading national voluntary organisation providing practical help for carers, through a network of local schemes employing...
Ealing Contact a Family
The Ealing ACE pilot was based within the local branch of Contact a Family (CaF), a voluntary organisation providing support for parent carers. It aimed...
Employers for Carers Forum
Employers for Carers Forum...
Products (1)
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council's ACE Project ran a casework service for carers who had difficulties getting the right package of services to support them...
Kirkless Carers Gateway
The ACE programme in Kirklees built upon an existing project established via ESF Objective 3 funding and undertaken through Carers Gateway (the Kirklees Metropolitan...
Learning for living
Learning for living is a pre-vocational training programme produced with City and Guilds....
Parents at Work mentoring programme
ACE National operated a mentoring programme for parent carers who were currently in / planning to enter the labour market across each of the ACE pilot areas....
Respite, Independence and Supporting Employment for Carers
The main aim of Rise was to enable carers to remain in or return to work or study supported by appropriate, flexible and affordable services thus giving...
Sunderland Carers Centre and People
The project supported carers with job-search and personal development skills needs, to prepare them for the workplace. It also offered individual advice...
Surrey Action fro Carers and Employment
The project offered ACE clubs (in various locations across Surrey): one-to-one support for carers; the City and Guilds 'Learning for Living' pilot; carer...
Surrey County Council
Surrey County Council's ACE Project was also part of Action for Carers (Surrey). The project promoted awareness of the need for equal opportunities for...
The City and Guilds ‘Learning for Living’ e-learning for carers
The ACE National e-learning course ‘Learning for Living’ was designed with carers' particular needs in mind and drew on City and Guilds’ extensive experience...
Carers at Work – Information for employers
This booklet is designed to help employers think about the needs of their employees who are carers and to adapt and develop workplace policies and practices...
Case Studies Video
Case Studies Video...
Employers for Carers Website
Employers for Carers Website...
Face Up to Carers – Case Studies Brochure
Case studies of carers' responsibilities, the support they received from their employers and the business case for enabling appropriate support. Includes...
Glossary of Social Care Terms
This glossary builds on the work of the EISS publication Glossary of Social Care Terms 1995. It includes new phrases and expressions within the social care...
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